Graham & Brown Cole & Son Schumacher Schumacher Sanderson’s Zoffany Phillip Jeffries
Working with some of the best quality wallpapers on the market is one the rewarding parts of my job. Here are a few papers I’ve recently installed that may inspire you on your next project. All five of these wallpaper companies have a large array of beautiful papers. Enjoy!
Graham & Brown’s Amalfi Fresco paper is perfect above or below a chair rail in a dining room, kitchen or family room.
Cole & Son’s Woods & Pears Linen paper makes for a wonderful accent wall especially in a Capitol Hill condo where long, narrow spaces get challenging to decorate.
Schumacher’s Exuberant Singeries chinoiserie paper is a beautiful treatment of a dining room. This is a very fine, hand-painted paper. I’ve included a close up image so you can better see the hand-painting.
Zoffany Elenora paper is inspired by painted panels in the Swedish summer palace, Drottnighholm. It’s combines tradition and modern to fit well in our client’s dining room.
Phillip Jeffries Manilla Hemp presents to look of warm grass cloth throughout the large open spaces of the foyer, stairwell and upper hall in this Alexandria, VA home.