The last week of March I had a GREAT gig… installing navigation charts my client used on their sailing trips from Annapolis to Nova Scotia. Their home is in Maine so I flew up on a Monday, worked with the client to layout the history of their trips from the anchorage in the Chesapeake Bay, where he proposed marriage, to their final destination, their new home in Maine. Then we spent two days organizing and decoupaging the charts and installing on the wall. The charts were actually used on his sailing trips and had his personal markings, folds and water marks. This was a labor of love (literally). Rather than relegate their treasured mementos to storage, my clients decided to showcase them in a place where all could enjoy in their home.
The final detail was a beautiful photo of his sailboat (you can see it in the above photo). I later learned that this sailboat was chartered by John Lennon for his sail to Bermuda when he made his final album, Double Fantasy. Lennon’s sailing trip is documented in the new book, Lennon Bermuda by Scott Neil and Graham Foster.
P.S. I didn’t get to sail on the boat. It was too cold and too snowy and the sailboat was in winter storage. But I had fun reading Lennon’s adventure in the sailboat. So happy that every once in a while I get to meet such interesting people and hear their stories.