OMG! LOL! The Wallpaper is Upside Down

You would be surprised how often wallpaper is hung upside down. This can happen on chairs, with drapes, anywhere there is a printed pattern. If you don’t know the artist’s intention, some patterns are hard to discern what’s up and what’s down.

A story … a client installed a beautiful custom wallpaper in her dining room. When the drapes arrived, what was up on the wall, was down on the drapes. The upholster had made the drapes with the pattern upside down, opposite to the pattern on the walls. Or, did the paperhanger install the paper upside down? What a dilemma!

The only way to decide up from down, right from wrong, was to go back to the artist. Turns out the paperhanger was right because he asked the designer to verify the proper direction of the pattern before the install.

Lesson learned – always verify the pattern before installation. Take a look at the two pictures below of a beautiful wallpaper from Farrow & Ball. How would you install the pattern? Down or up? The answer is in the comments below.