Wallpaper – The Texture of Our Lives

Cotton, The Fabric of Our Lives – Cotton, the wonder material. It’s natural, environmentally friendly, durable, figure-flattering and fashionable. Because I work with a distant cousin, wallpaper, I can’t help but notice they share lots of similarities.

Farrow&Ball GrassclothWallpaper is natural, “green” and durable. Certainly fashionable. Like cotton, it’s versatility can be found in its variety of textures. Wallpaper gives texture to our living spaces. You can create the rough texture of Italian villa walls, the lightness of rice paper lined walls in a Japanese tea house, the strength of leather covered walls in a Spanish castle or the elegance of tapestry walls of a French chateau. Wallpaper is the perfect vehicle to create texture in a room without creating permanence.

My favorite texture-rich wallpapers…

  • grass and string cloth
  • faux Portuguese, Dutch or Turkish tiles
  • paper backed hand colored silks
  • mulberry papers with silk and leaves
  • papers covered with mica chips or mother of pearl
  • French wood grained paper; the raised grain fools the eye and the hand
  • amazing pressed vinyls that replicate silk, grass, almost any texture

Wouldn’t it be great if wallpaper manufacturers took a marketing page from the cotton industry? The slogan – Wallpaper, The Texture of Our Lives!